Package com. example. examer. auth
A sealed class that encapsulates the status of initiating the authentication process.
An interface that contains the requisite fields and methods required for an authentication service.
A concrete implementation of AuthenticationService that makes use of Firebase.
Returns a new UserProfileChangeRequest by applying the builderAction to a new instance of UserProfileChangeRequest.
Used to change the password of a FirebaseUser to the specified newPassword. If a re-authentication is required, then the value of the specified oldPassword would be used.
Used o change the associated photo uri of a FirebaseUser to the specified uri.
Utility method to update the display name of an instance of FirebaseUser with the newName. If any exception occurs, it throws the exception.
This extension method is used for creating a FirebaseUser with the provided name,email,password and profilePhotoUri.
A utility function that executes the given updateBlock and tries to re-run the block if the updateBlock throws a FirebaseAuthRecentLoginRequiredException. If the block throws any other exception, it will be re-thrown.