Package com. example. examer. data. domain
Models an audio file.
A domain model class that represents a user with a id,name, email,phoneNumber and a photoUrl that will be used as the profile picture of the user.
A value class that models the index of the option that is chosen by the user for a MultiChoiceQuestion.
Class that models a single question in a WorkBook.
A data class that models a test.
A class that models the results of single test.
A class that models the answers that are chosen by the user for a particular WorkBook.
Used to get a pair consisting of strings representing date and time. The first value in the pair is the date string and the second value is the time.
Used to check whether the test is scheduled, but not open.
Used to check whether the test has expired (The window for taking the test has expired).
Used to check whether the test is open for accepting answers.
A converter method that is used to convert an instance of UserAnswers to an instance of UserAnswersDTO.