Package com. example. examer. utils
A concrete implementation of PasswordManager that uses EncryptedSharedPreferences under the hood.
A ViewModelProvider.Factory that is used for creating an instance of ExamerLogInViewModel.
An interface that specifies the methods that are required for a concrete implementation of PasswordManager.
A ViewModelProvider.Factory that is used for creating an instance of ExamerProfileScreenViewModel.
A ViewModelProvider.Factory that is used for creating an instance of ExamerSignUpViewModel.
A ViewModelProvider.Factory that is used for creating an instance of ExamerTestsViewModel.
A utility function that is used to create an instance of CountDownTimer .
An extension function that can be used to conditionally chain a modifier.
Returns true if the string contains at least one digit. Else, returns false.
Returns true if the string contains at least one lowercase letter. Else, returns false.
Returns true if the string contains at least one uppercase letter. Else, returns false.
An extension function that returns true if the device's date/time are set automatically by Android. It returns false, if the device's date/time is set manually by the user.
An extension function that returns true if the device's time zone is set automatically by Android. It returns false, if the the device's time zone is set manually by the user.
Returns a Boolean indicating whether an integer has the ten's place.
Returns a string with a zero appended at the beginning if the integer isSingleDigit and also appendZeroIfSingleDigit is set to true. Else it returns the default Int.toString.