Profile Screen View Model
An interface that contains the required methods and properties for a concrete implementation of ProfileScreenViewModel.
An enum class the consists of the different UI states associated with ProfileScreenViewModel.
An enum class that contains the user attributes that can be updated.
A method that returns true if the specified email is a valid email. If it is not a valid email, it will return false.
A method that returns true if the specified password is a valid password. If it is not a valid password, it will return false.
Used to update the specified updateAttribute to the newValue for the current user.
Used to update the profile picture of the currently logged in user with the specified imageBitmap.
A state property that contains the UI state of ProfileScreenViewModel.
A utility method that is used to update the email of the currently logged-in user with the newEmail. This extension method is a shorthand for the ProfileScreenViewModel.updateAttributeForCurrentUser. It removes the need for specifying the 'updateAttribute' param of the ProfileScreenViewModel.updateAttributeForCurrentUser method.
A utility method that is used to update the name of the currently logged-in user with the newName. This extension method is a shorthand for the ProfileScreenViewModel.updateAttributeForCurrentUser. It removes the need for specifying the 'updateAttribute' param of the ProfileScreenViewModel.updateAttributeForCurrentUser method.
A utility method that is used to update the password of the currently logged-in user with the newPassword. This extension method is a shorthand for the ProfileScreenViewModel.updateAttributeForCurrentUser. It removes the need for specifying the 'updateAttribute' param of the ProfileScreenViewModel.updateAttributeForCurrentUser method.