Package com. example. examer. viewmodels. profile Screen View Model
An interface that contains the required methods and properties for a concrete implementation of ProfileScreenViewModel.
A utility method that is used to update the email of the currently logged-in user with the newEmail. This extension method is a shorthand for the ProfileScreenViewModel.updateAttributeForCurrentUser. It removes the need for specifying the 'updateAttribute' param of the ProfileScreenViewModel.updateAttributeForCurrentUser method.
A utility method that is used to update the name of the currently logged-in user with the newName. This extension method is a shorthand for the ProfileScreenViewModel.updateAttributeForCurrentUser. It removes the need for specifying the 'updateAttribute' param of the ProfileScreenViewModel.updateAttributeForCurrentUser method.
A utility method that is used to update the password of the currently logged-in user with the newPassword. This extension method is a shorthand for the ProfileScreenViewModel.updateAttributeForCurrentUser. It removes the need for specifying the 'updateAttribute' param of the ProfileScreenViewModel.updateAttributeForCurrentUser method.